MUM: A Game-Changing Update

Hey, it’s Corey again with some weekly insights about Digital Marketing.

A few weeks ago I mentioned a Google Update that’s heading right for all of us in 2022. I want to give you some of my own insights as well as additional reading I think is worth your time.

This update is being called MUM or Multitask Unified Model. It’s Google’s latest advancement in using AI to understand search intent and deliver the best result for the searcher.

For your own reading, here’s Google’s webpage where they call MUM: A new AI milestone for understanding information

Click the button below and read up on MUM: A New AI Milestone for Understanding Information.


Image Source:

Shifting into SEO, below I’ve linked a really well-written breakdown from an SEO Perspective on Google’s MUM.


I really think this is going to be a big change to how we imagine search. It’ll be better in my opinion. But it’ll be a big adjustment for a lot of people. Whereas in the past the information you present on your site tended to take center stage I believe the shift is going to place an emphasis on the experience you give a searcher – which will still require great information mind you, it just won’t be sufficient to have a large quantity of content alone. 

Well, that’s all for this week. Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions about MUM and how that may impact SEO in 2022.